Press Release Ebola 1-17-19
Fact Sheet: Samaritan’s Purse
Women in Cambodia Support their Families by Raising Healthier Chickens
Porleang and her husband Pheap are farmers in Cambodia’s Kratie Province. Like many families in their village, they had a few chickens and planned to sell them at the local market. However, they did not know how to properly care for the chickens, and they died of disease. Porleang was so discouraged that she considered…
2020 Special Report
2023 Operation Christmas Child Special Report
Cleft Lip Program Continues to Change Lives
Cleft lip and palate can be easily repaired in many nations, but the required surgeries often are not available in developing countries with inadequate healthcare. Children born with these medical issues often face a lifetime of ridicule and discrimination, especially in areas that associate the health condition with witchcraft or being “cursed.” That’s why Samaritan’s…
Real Hunger
Trudy Petersen blogs from Yekepa, Liberia, where Samaritan’s Purse is working to expand the African Bible College University How many of us have overused the phrase, “I’m starving?” More accurately, how many of us have misused the phrase? Most people here have tea for breakfast, no lunch, and rice with a kind of soup poured…
Welcome TBN Viewers: Samaritan’s Purse – Helping in Jesus’ Name
Pray as Samaritan’s Purse Responds to the Latest Ebola Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Samaritan’s Purse has deployed staff to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where 83 confirmed cases of Ebola hemorrhagic fever have been identified and 47 confirmed deaths from the disease have been reported, as of Aug. 26. This response supports our country office staff there and others already at work in the region. Our current…