Shanika & Sherika and the Mittens
Processing Center Volunteer Registration Has Begun!
Thank you for your interest in serving at an Operation Christmas Child Processing Center. New registration dates for all processing centers have been released. All registration begins at 8 a.m. local time according to the respective processing center site. Public Registration Begins: Oct. 22: Baltimore area, Maryland; Dallas/Ft. Worth area, Texas Oct. 23: Atlanta area,…
Moises and a Soccer Ball
Emmanuel and a Harmonica
Red de Oración
‘It’s Unbelievable What You’ve Done for Us’
SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR OUR HURRICANE FLORENCE RESPONSE When John Whitfield got word that a TV station in New Bern, N.C.—just one block from his home—was evacuating its staff because of flooding due to Hurricane Florence, he rushed over to investigate. John is a captain with the sheriff’s office in Craven County, and he…
Going from Farm to Market
Grown in the high altitudes and warm climates of South America, goldenberries are small, round fruits that can taste either tart or sweet. Learning how to plant and harvest these husk-encased yellow berries in the mountains of Bolivia has made the difference between husbands and fathers needing to seek out work far from home to…
Hermann and a Book
Ministry on the Korean Peninsula
Long before the Korean Peninsula was partitioned, Franklin Graham’s mother, Ruth Bell Graham, attended high school in Pyongyang. Her parents served in China in full-time ministry, and Pyongyang was known as a hub of missionary work. Franklin’s father, Dr. Billy Graham, first visited North Korea in 1950 and ever since, God has continued to open…