Though it’s the heart of the dry season, Angelina bends to tend to the bountiful beans growing in a flourishing patch of earth. It makes sense that Samaritan’s Purse staffers chose this spot for a training garden, as the nearby stream boasts banks lush with thriving plants. Beyond the river, scrubby acacia trees seem to…
From Garden to Kingdom
Mend a Cleft Lip
Samaritan’s Purse sends specialized teams to places such as South Sudan and Bolivia to provide outpatient surgery for hundreds of patients. Your gift of $250 will enable us to cover the cost of this life-changing procedure so we can show these boys and girls how precious they are in the eyes of God
Samaritan’s Purse – Give a Year-End Gift
Welcome TBN Viewers: Samaritan’s Purse – Helping in Jesus’ Name
‘God Calls Us to Hard Places’
An 8-year-old Kenyan child with spina bifida stands upright and walks for the first time. A man whose name means “deformed” marvels at his reshaped mouth following cleft lip surgery in South Sudan. God’s healing power in the life of a toddler with a congenital heart condition leads to the planting of a church now…