Change in Action

diciembre 3, 2014 • Cambodia
Change in Action

A woman in Cambodia learns how to create a healthy environment for her family and shares her knowledge with others in her community

Ron Aun is a beneficiary of Strengthening Women and Families Together, a Samaritan’s Purse project in Cambodia

I live in Kratie Province with my husband and son. Until recently, my husband and I knew very little about healthy communication in our family. We used bad words to speak to each other, and our arguments sometimes led to violence.

In August, the Samaritan’s Purse project Strengthening Women and Families Together came to my village. It taught me about communicating with my spouse and my neighbors. After I received this training, it enabled my husband and me to know how to understand each other, respect each other, value each other, communicate well, and get along. In addition, it also enabled me to know how to communicate well with my neighbors.

I enjoyed the lesson so much that I shared it with other people in my village. While teaching others, I have gained even more understanding of the subject. I would like to give thanks to Samaritan’s Purse for training me to use good words and to know how to avoid domestic violence.

Editor’s Note: Strengthening Women and Families Together has trained 205 women and 233 youth volunteers with their curriculum. The volunteers have taught lessons to 558 households. But it’s not just about creating healthy family environments. It’s also about sharing hope with them. Through the project, 309 beneficiaries have heard the Gospel so far.

Proyectos en Cambodia Cambodia es una de las naciones más pobres del mundo, solo tiene unos pocos recursos para cuidar de su gente, quien en su mayoría viven en las áreas rurales. Les ayudamos a suplir las necesidades desesperantes de alimentos y sustento por medio de proyectos de animales y de agricultura, así como al proveerles acceso a agua potable, segura para beber. Los proyectos de educación infantil tienen como objetivo que los niños y las niñas se mantengan en la escuela, incrementando su calidad de vida. Nuestros programas de salud infantil y maternidad reduce los niveles de mortalidad de las mujeres y sus niños pequeños al mejorar los cuidados de obstetricia, enseñándoles prácticas esenciales de nutrición e incrementando el acceso a servicios de salud. También combatimos el tráfico humano por medio de la educación y entrenamientos. Solo el 2 por ciento de el país es cristiano y un aspecto crucial de nuestro trabajo es envolver a nuestras iglesias locales colaboradoras para ayudarles a difundir el Evangelio en sus villas.

Proyectos en Cambodia 013681

