Jesus Saved My Community and Me from Violence

octubre 25, 2016 • Cambodia
Cambodia women's programs

A young woman in Cambodia turns back to Christ and sees changes in both herself and her village

Y Chenda lives with her husband and three children in Kratie province in Cambodia. She’s a farmer and also volunteers with a Samaritan’s Purse project in her village called Ending Violence Against Women.

I hail from a Christian family; we used to attend a church in our village. But our faith in God didn’t make life easier for us. My husband and I couldn’t make enough money in our village and started to argue over many things and lost our tempers often.

In hope of better life, we moved to another village in 2013, a place where there was neither church nor Christians. We lacked fellowship with fellow believers, and our faith started to fade away. I learned that my neighbor hated Christians and Christianity, so we decided to hide our religion and slowly adopted Buddhism.

Cambodia women's projects

Chenda leads a Bible study with her cell group.

Domestic violence is common in the village where we moved. Arguments between my husband and me didn’t end, and we didn’t know how to control our anger. In 2016, Samaritan’s Purse started programs in our village to end domestic violence and spread the news of the Gospel. They distributed tracts, shared the Gospel, and often visited homes and prayed for us.

Four months into the training, I decided to turn back to the Lord. The training taught us ways to control our anger, family planning, my responsibilities as a wife and a mother, practical solutions to end domestic violence, and tips to build a good and strong family in the Lord.

I was selected as a volunteer and received training on various things, and I now visit families in my village and educate them about domestic violence. There are now 15 believers in my village, and we have a small cell group. My faith has increased like never before. In general, domestic violence has reduced, and more people are willing to learn about Jesus.

My husband and I now share a good relationship with each other and hold healthy relations with our neighbors as well. We encourage each other and share God’s love.

