A Samaritan’s Purse medical boat, the Ruth Bell, is traveling along the Mamore’ River in the Bolivian Amazon to reach isolated communities with medical care and the hope of the Gospel. World Medical Mission is sending teams of doctors on the boat to treat people, many of whom have never received medical care in their entire lives. Our staff also puts on evangelism activities in these communities by passing out Bibles, showing films such as “The Jesus Film,” and leading worship and games with the children.
Nurse Sandy DeWitt sets up her medical station to check patients’ blood, blood pressure, and vital signs.
Captain of the Ruth Bell, Manuel Bravo, preaches on John 8:12 to 20 children in the community of San Antonio de Loras.
Gladis Bravo shares the Gospel with (left to right) Diego Roca (13), David Carreno (8), and Janira Carreno (12). On June 7, 2011, they prayed with her to receive Christ as their Savior.
Manuel shows Ronal Moitico (11), Gustavo Rojas (12), and Jose’ Loras (12) the way to eternal life in Christ in front of their school in San Antonio de Loras.
Nurse Sandy DeWitt examines Nancy Hurtando’s son, Dario, who had a fungus of the scalp, staph infection, pioderma, and scabies. Dr. Sidney Indgin gave him medicine for treatment, and Nancy also saw Dr. Paul Jarrett for a pelvic exam.
Paula Barreda (left) helps World Medical Mission volunteer Chris Gordon (right) translate for Paulina Villaruel, whose daughter came in with scabies and impetigo. Paulina also had a skin infection on her feet. Nurse Bonnie Indgin washed her feet and gave her medicine.
David Carreno (8) receives his first Bible after visiting the Ruth Bell River Boat.
2-year-old Seline Roco Cuekker was complaining of stomachache and itching on her skin. World Medical Mission doctors gave her anti-parasite medication and antibiotics for the impetigo on her legs and stomach.
Janira Carreno (right) said after the children’s Bible club, “Today I learned that God loves us. God cleaned my heart and forgave my sins.”
Gustavo Rojas (left) accepted Christ and received his first Bible. He said: “I feel good because this is the Word of God. Manuel told me that if we want to be close to God, we need to pray and for forgiveness of our sins.”
Sergio Vedia is a doctor from La Paz, Bolivia who has been serving on the Ruth Bell. He helps Captain Manuel Bravo plan which communities they will visit and also keeps records of all the patients who come to the boat.
Sergio Vedia, the doctor stationed on the Ruth Bell, and volunteers from World Medical Mission traveled by motor boat to do a home visit for Estifanio Caldo Villaruel. Estifanio was born deaf and mute and has been unable to walk for the past 2 years.
The team of doctors prayed for physical and spiritual healing over Estifanio and his family.
“The Jesus Film” is shown in the community of San Antonio de Loras. Hector and Rosemary Carreno (right) accepted Christ afterwards. Their daughter Janira had invited them to the film after participating in our children’s Bible club earlier that day.
“Last Flight Out”, an evangelistic film, is shown in the community of the 27th of May. 15 watched the film, and afterwards, Sergio and Manuel presented the Gospel message. Sergio said, “We have come to your community, not only to treat the sick and give medicine, but also to show you the love of God.”
Chris Gordon examines Beimar Cestellon (3) who has a reactive airway disease. His mother Solange Navi could not afford to buy medicine for him, but we were able to provide some for him.