Read about one mother who learned how to earn a better income for her family and also found lasting hope for her soul—salvation in Jesus Christ.
Porleang and her husband Pheap are farmers in Cambodia’s Kratie Province. Like many families in their village, they had a few chickens and planned to sell them at the local market. However, they did not know how to properly care for the chickens, and they died of disease.

Porleang has learned how to prevent her chickens from getting diseases.
Porleang was so discouraged that she considered illegally migrating to Thailand to find work in order to provide for their four children. She prayed to Buddha, but still felt hopeless.
Porleang’s life changed when the Samaritan’s Purse Strong, Tall, and Robust (STAR) project came to her village. The project teaches women with children under age 2 about nutrition, health, and sanitation.
Our teams also teach mothers about agriculture and livelihoods, and Porleang learned better chicken raising techniques and how to prevent her poultry from getting diseases.
Porleang had one rooster and two hens, but they have multiplied and she now has 50 healthy chickens. Not only does she use them to feed her family, but she also sells the chickens for income to support her family.
Blessed by God
Porleang was hesitant the first time she heard about Jesus from the Samaritan’s Purse team. Yet, when a staff member came to visit her at home and shared the Gospel again, she was ready to receive Jesus Christ as her Savior and is now a Christian.
She was ready to receive Jesus Christ as her Savior.
Porleang is eager to share the Gospel, especially with her husband and children. She also plans to teach her neighbors what she learned about raising chickens.
Porleang is grateful for the opportunity to attend the health and nutrition trainings and to learn about chicken raising. “I am really blessed by God,” she said.
Please pray for Porleang as she grows in her faith and tells others about Jesus. Pray that her family and many others in her community will come to know God’s love for them.
Samaritan’s Purse offers vocational training—like sewing and cosmetology classes—to give vulnerable people the tools they need to start a small business and to provide a sense of purpose during the long days at the camp. You can give an eager student the chance to learn a new skill and earn an income, while opening doors for us to share the Gospel. Your gift helps provide equipment, materials, and training for sewing, food service, carpentry, mechanics, and other livelihood classes in countries like Liberia and the Philippines.