A safe distance from her apiary, beekeeper Dorris Yengbeh places dried palm leaves into her smoker. She strikes a match and fans the bellows until smoke begins seeping thinly from the tin contraption. Now she dons her protective suit, a broad-brimmed hat with face, coverall, gloves, and rubber boots. “You have to be gentle with…
Ayudamos a salvar bebés en Liberia
Samaritan’s Purse medical teams have performed hundreds of life-changing cleft lip and palate surgeries in Liberia. Sadly, though, some Liberian children born with this condition never have the opportunity to receive such medical treatment. Sometimes their lives are snuffed out at birth or shortly thereafter by family members or midwives just because of the severe…
Vengan a ver
Early in the morning, Emmanuel arrived with his toddler daughter Deborah at our clinic in Monrovia. He explained the challenges and joys of the last three years of his little girl’s life. From her very first weeks, it was obvious that young Deborah’s curiosity and intelligence drove her to explore her surroundings and everything she…
Celebramos 50 millones de niños discipulados
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). Children are precious to God. The Bible tells us that “children are a gift of the LORD” (Psalm 127:3) and that we are responsible to train them up “in the way [they] should…
Semillas de amor y esperanza
Jean Tisu was finally able to walk in peace as he strolled the rows of beautiful cabbages in his high rubber boots. “The life of a displaced person due to war is not good at all,” Jean said. “We were chased away from our homes. When we arrived here, we had a hard life.” Jean…
Samaritan’s Purse Sends Medical Team to Liberia After Fuel Tanker Explosion
Dozens were killed and scores more were burned when a gas tanker exploded late Tuesday, Dec. 26, in the central Liberian town of Totota. An estimated 40 people died and more than 80—at least—were injured, health officials said. About 20 of those injured were taken to ELWA (Eternal Love Winning Africa) Hospital in Paynesville, Monrovia,…
Dios obra en la vida de los pacientes quemados en Liberia
Burn survivors of a late December fuel tanker explosion in Totota, Liberia, may or may not remember much about the moments before their lives changed. One minute they were watching people poke holes in an overturned tanker to harvest the fuel. The next, they were on fire. At least 40 of their fellow residents died…
Fortalecemos aldeas rurales para ayudar a madres y niños
In the town of Gmomaken’s not-too-distant past, it was always their local herbalist that the families turned to with worries over fertility or for remedies to ensure the safe birth of a child. They would seek him out for alarming pregnancy pains and complications. They visited his darkened thatch-roofed hut in the center of town,…
Prisioneras en Liberia experimentan libertad en Jesucristo
In between sewing projects at Monrovia Central Prison, Garmai, 45, reads from Matthew’s Gospel. She has her own Bible now and the Word of God has become like food for her. The women in her sewing class have become like family. There has been a miracle in her life. It’s not clear exactly what crime…
Aunque esté preso, él es libre
Pastor Emmanuel, 48, has spent the past 10 years in a Liberian prison, often overcome by grief mixed with anger at where’s he’s ended up. Hopelessness can spread as quickly as disease in the overcrowded, unhygienic cell blocks. Many of the inmates can wait years even to understand why they’ve been locked up. Trial dates…