2021 Special Report
Franklin Graham agradece a los voluntarios de los centros de procesamiento
Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham today thanked the thousands of volunteers who are currently working in eight processing center locations across the U.S. to prepare millions of Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts for international shipment. Headed to over 100 countries this year, the gift-filled shoeboxes will bring great joy and the Good News of Jesus…
Newsletter October
Shoeboxes Open Doors and Hearts for the Gospel in Liberia
For nearly 25 years a road divided the two sides of Nyiela, a community in western Liberia that had separated itself into Muslim and Christian parts of town. The sides didn’t talk much and they didn’t cross over, not even for clean water or medical care—not even during the Ebola crisis. Tribal conflicts added to…
Haciendo discípulos en Ghana
Epiphani had never received anything like the Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift filled with items such as pencils, books, and a pair of blue sandals. She was delighted to have such special presents, but when she met a boy named Daniel who was struggling, she decided that he needed the treasures more than she did.…
Los niños escuchan en Benín el Evangelio por medio de una sencilla caja de regalos
Nine-year-old Gladys flashed a big smile as she recounted the day she received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. The special items inside included a blanket folded neatly and arranged amid school supplies, a flashlight that her father needed, and other cherished items. Opening the shoebox gift was like opening up a new chapter of…
Family Resources
Focus on the Family Our friends at Focus on the Family put together this video about one family’s tradition of packing shoebox gifts with Operation Christmas Child. How can you start a shoebox tradition with your own family? Explore our resources below! 7 Ideas for Family Impact Pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child…
Year-round Volunteer: Building Church Partners
Atención compradores de cajas de regalos
As back-to-school items are placed front-and-center in stores this time of year, many Operation Christmas Child year-round shoppers are rolling up their sleeves to find great deals. School supplies are a fundamental component of quality shoebox gifts. In addition to capitalizing on seasonal sales and off-season clearance merchandise, shopping year-round divides shoebox purchases over several…