Newsletter October
Elizabeth and a Stuffed Animal
Las cajas de regalos traen gozo a los niños sordos en Namibia
The classroom was quiet as boys and girls opened their Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. There were no squeals of excitement or chattering, no shouting for friends to come and look at the fun gifts inside their shoebox. Yet, their smiles were so big and bright that verbal expressions weren’t needed to reveal the joy overflowing…
Trayendo el Evangelio a los Himba
Granjeros de Ohio influencian a su comunidad y al mundo para empacar cajas
Drive down River Styx Road just outside Wadsworth, Ohio, and you’ll come across the “Styx and Stones Farm” sign. Pull in the driveway on any given Saturday morning in the fall, and it will be tough to find a spot to park. On one edge of the driveway sits a barn that’s at least 175…
Q & A: Gospel Opportunities in Paradise
Meet Ravina Kumar, national discipleship coordinator for Operation Christmas Child in Fiji. She is one of 6,100 people globally who volunteer on National Leadership Teams to guide our efforts in evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication within their respective countries. Read on to learn more about how the ministry is advancing the Gospel in the Pacific through…
Las cajas de regalos van hasta lo último de la tierra
Baljinnyam’s address might as well be “the ends of the earth.” To reach the valley where his two gers are located, you must drive more than nine hours west of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, to the province center of Bayankhongor. Since this is the province where Baljinnyam lives, you might think you’ve arrived, but the true journey…
Tiene un corazón para compartir a Cristo por medio de cajas de regalos
Nine-year-old Ava Smith loves to pack Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes! Why? “Because shoeboxes provide hope for children who might not have any hope,” she said. She became passionate about the Samaritan’s Purse project three years ago when she packed her first shoebox gift at her Christian school in Felton, Delaware. Ava then shared her enthusiasm…
Manar and a Teddy Bear
Celebrando 200 millones de bendiciones
Elizabeth Groff is on a special journey to help pack the 200 millionth Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift since the Samaritan’s Purse project began in 1993. Elizabeth, who received a shoebox gift years ago as a lonely child in an orphanage in Ukraine, is currently traveling to different U.S. drop-off locations and processing centers with…