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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Vista restaurada para cientos durante la campaña de cataratas en Sudán del Sur

Cataract surgery—a simple enough procedure in Western countries—is nearly impossible to access in South Sudan. When people’s eyes begin to cloud with cataracts, it is typically only a matter of time before they reach complete blindness. To help meet the great needs of this East African nation, Samaritan’s Purse sent a medical team to Tonj,…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Cissie Graham Lynch Speaks During March for Life Event

Update (Jan. 29 afternoon): The 2021 March for Life has now concluded. See below to watch a prayer from Cissie Graham Lynch that was aired during the event. — Cissie Graham Lynch, daughter of Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham, was among those leading the 48th annual March for Life, which this year was primarily a…

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Operation Christmas Child

Repartimos Gracia

“We want to help make disciples. We want kids to know that they are loved by the creator of the universe. We want kids to know that Jesus died for their sins and they did nothing to deserve it. It’s unconditional.” Kimberly Hahn, director of operations at Orange Lutheran High School in California, overflows when…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

El corazón de un capellán

In 2009, the Rev. Mark Sukulao lay in a hospital bed in Zimbabwe, very ill, discouraged, and in almost constant pain. This hospital was the third one he had been admitted to in less than two months, and now he was facing another surgery. Many anxious thoughts churned through the pastor’s mind. What was God’s…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Llevamos ayuda y esperanza después de Helene

Bringing Help and Hope After Helene “I've never experienced God's love like that.” Hurricane Helene turned the Cane River, usually about 40 feet wide, into a raging, swollen behemoth that swallowed houses, cars, utility poles, and huge chunks of land on both sides of its gluttonous path as it charged downstream. But when the storm swept through…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

UPDATED: Three Child Survivors from Tanzania Bus Crash Recovering Well in U.S.

UPDATE (July 6): The three Tanzanian children severely injured in a May bus crash and then transported to the U.S. for medical attention are recovering well. They sustained 17 fractures among them and required operations to deal with injuries suffered in the horrific crash. After being airlifted from Africa by the Samaritan’s Purse DC-8 aircraft,…

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Agua, salubridad e higiene

Clean Water Project Saves Lives in Niger

Despite living along the Niger River, local villagers had little access to clean water. Parents and their children generally drank from the same source where animals bathe and clothes are washed. Every week canoes carried patients sickened by waterborne illness to a medical center up river. Some patients died before completing the hours-long journey. Young…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

“A Small Yes”

Ten years ago, Dr. Read Vaughan and his wife Suzie were empty-nesters who were nearing their retirement years and looking for a new adventure. They felt the Lord calling them to serve abroad—something they had planned to do for years—but they had no clear direction. “I was waiting for a voice from God telling us…

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Fact Sheet: Douglas DC-8

Douglas DC-8 Cargo Aircraft Samaritan’s Purse Aviation Since 1975, Samaritan's Purse has used aircraft to transport doctors and relief workers along with tons of food, medicine, shelter materials, blankets, and other items to aid victims of natural disasters, war, famine, and other emergencies. To support the work of Samaritan's Purse around the world, the aviation…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Walking in the Light of God’s Grace

Editor’s Note: A year ago, Dr. Gregory Ekbom thought he was going to lose his son. In the midst of the crisis, he held onto hope that God would use the traumatic situation to bring about good. As they soon discovered, the arduous path to healing often begins the moment we seize the opportunity to…

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