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Operation Christmas Child

Life Change in Central Asia

Providential Meeting Changes Lives in Central Asia God uses a shoebox gift to draw a boy to Christ just days before his death. Facebook Twitter email As Pastor Gadi returned from distributing shoebox gifts to children in a village several miles from the capital city, he saw two boys standing on the side of the road…

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Agua, salubridad e higiene

Samaritan’s Purse diseña un nuevo sistema de tratamiento de agua móvil que puede salvar vidas

It’s easy to assume that you’ll have water to drink and cook and clean and make your morning coffee but imagine yourself in Maniche, Haiti, on the mid-morning of August 14. The whole world seems to jolt to the point where your bones rattle, your teeth chatter, the ground feels like it might explode. And…

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Animales, agricultura y sustento

Criar pollos trae familia a Cristo

The van was hot, stuffy, and crowded. It wasn’t ideal, but this seven-hour trek across the border from Cambodia into a neighboring country seemed like the last option for Vanny and her husband. They were clinging to the promise of a well-paying job that would make a better life possible. The couple had tried earning…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Llevamos ayuda aérea hacia Acapulco

UPDATE (Nov. 6): Over the past two days, Samaritan’s Purse has distributed more than a ton of food to nearly 12,000 hurricane survivors. Parcels including rice, beans, tuna, and chicken breast have been sent out into the community through local church partners who are ministering to the storm victims in Jesus’ Name. In addition, our…

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Franklin Graham

Newsletter May 2024

Franklin Graham Update | May Franklin Graham Update | May Tornado Reliefin America's Heartland Dear Friend, Waves of killer storms recently tore across the Great Plains, and Samaritan's Purse has been busy in six states cleaning up damage, making emergency repairs, and comforting survivors in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Hundreds of homes were destroyed in the Oklahoma towns of…

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Franklin Graham

Newsletter August 2024

Franklin Graham Update | August Franklin Graham Update | August A Lighthouse for the Gospel on an Island in the Bering Sea Dear Friend, Nunivak Island is the second largest island in the Bering Sea, about 30 miles off the Alaskan mainland. It is a remote, tundra-covered volcanic rock, home to thousands of reindeer, over 500 musk ox, and less than 200 Cup'ig people. Mekoryuk,…

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Operation Christmas Child

Great Joy in Mexico’s Jungles

Las Tres Huastecas region, along the Gulf Coast in Mexico, is hard to reach and isolated from much of the country. Many residents still speak the native language, Nahuatl, and worship indigenous idols. The few churches that preach the Gospel here are met with disdain and uncertainty. Earlier this year, however, at a small school…

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Alimenta a un bebé con hambre

When children are desperately hungry, they often need specially formulated food to save their lives and prevent lifelong problems. For just $9, we can provide a week’s supply of therapeutic or supplemental food so that a famished child can be nursed back to health and have a chance at a brighter future. We also help…

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Balones y equipo deportivo

Many families around the world have had to leave war-torn homelands to find safety, and now they live in camps, haunted by memories of terror. For these boys and girls, therapeutic play can help them begin to smile again. Samaritan’s Purse is creating playgrounds and child-friendly spaces where these children can learn, grow, and enjoy…

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Operation Christmas Child


Mauritius is an island nation located in the Indian Ocean just east of Madagascar. It is known for its beautiful beaches and once being the habitat of the dodo—a large, now-extinct bird. Samaritan’s Purse began hosting outreach events for the children of Mauritius in 2009 and launched our follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest Journey, in…

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