Auta’s skin is dark and taut with valleys of worry and determination etched into her forehead. She is 58, and her husband died three decades ago. She sits on a small rock outside her home in a village in Niger, West Africa, and holds a wiggly granddaughter as she speaks. Around her, she sees a…
Fleeing from Boko Haram
Editor’s Note: Names have been changed throughout this article to protect identities. In the Diffa region of southeastern Niger, there is little sound. Apart from the side-to-side rocking of the moving Land Cruiser and subtle shifting of sand in the wind, the sun beats down on a sparse landscape largely devoid of movement. Motorcycles are…
Mother, Daughter Receive Christ After Surgery
Khaliunaa didn’t just fear death, the thought of eternity filled her with dread. The Mongolian mother believed that no one could be good enough to go to Heaven and that eternal damnation was everyone’s fate. The prospect of her daughter, Tserendulam or “Dulma” for short, dying young from a heart defect diagnosed at birth sent…
Press Release Greatest Journey 1-28-20
Samaritan’s Purse Airlifts Urgently Needed Food to Ethiopia
Update (Feb. 26): A second Samaritan’s Purse DC-8 airlift departed Feb. 26 from Greensboro, North Carolina, carrying supplies for displaced people living in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. This flight will deliver additional relief supplies, including thousands of solar lanterns and more than a thousand rolls of tarp for repairing or constructing shelters. Our work…
Journey to a New Heart
If you’d seen Francis play with his friends in the early days of his illness, he would have seemed like many other little boys living in Uganda. He loved airplanes, admired Spider-Man, and was known to be a little stubborn—a trait he got away with by making those around him laugh. But there was something…
Transforming Hearts and Lives for Eternity
Amarzaya assumed she would die young and not live to see her 20th birthday. Her days were filled with exhaustion and pain. She often had sleepless nights as she tried to regulate her struggled breathing. She didn’t feel symptoms of a heart defect in her early years. But by age 16, the Mongolian girl could…
Healing in Christ Alone
Victor loved the metal walker that his father, Richard, had crafted for him. It gave the 18-month-old the freedom and mobility that he otherwise wouldn’t have had to explore his thatched roof home and the surroundings of his Ugandan village. Richard had used what was available to piece the walker together, including bottle caps as…
Beekeeping Project Lifts Families in Kenya Out of Poverty
When Samaritan’s Purse staff met David, he was struggling to provide for his wife and two children in their poor village in Kenya. He worked hard as a farmer, but it wasn’t enough to keep the family out of poverty. “I had lost hope of educating my children,” David said, as he couldn’t afford their…
Building Better Health Among South Sudanese Women and Children
Until just recently, sickness was simply a way of life in the many remote villages of Mayendit County, South Sudan. Waterborne illness, poor nutrition, and infections ran rampant among mothers and their children. This was true until women like Nydech, a mother of seven, was invited to join the Maternal, Infant, and Young Children Nutrition…