Fact Sheet: Pacific Island Initiative
Volunteer Helps Texas Cowboy Church Make Global Impact
Growing up in a small, rural Texas town, Kyle Brown never thought he would be in a position to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Yet, serving as a year-round logistics volunteer with Operation Christmas Child has provided Kyle that opportunity as he helps lead White Rock Christian Fellowship to share…
Shoeboxes Become an Answer to Children’s Prayers in South Africa
South Africa is a bustling nation of 55 million people nestled at the southernmost tip of the continent, surrounded on three sides by the sea. Only 25 years removed from apartheid, the country continues to recover from that traumatic chapter in its past. While many residents today enjoy unprecedented opportunities, others still face daunting challenges.…
Shoebox Gifts Encourage Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia
Well more than 2 million Venezuelans have left their nation over the past few years, many fleeing to neighboring Colombia. They’re leaving because the situation in Venezuela is bleak—with runaway inflation, increasing crime, and critical shortages of food and medicine. As the economy collapses, families simply can’t afford to eat. Some Venezuelans go back and…
Ends of the Earth
Bold Vision for the Pacific
Franklin Graham’s bold vision to deliver gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in Jesus’ Name to every child on 1,000 Pacific islands—more than half a million kids—began in early 2019 and will continue until every child is reached. “I want to reach these islands for Christ,” Graham said when he visited the island nation of Kiribati…
2024 Mid-Year Report
Resources & Ideas Hub
Nueva Iglesia bautiza a nuevos creyentes en las montañas de México
El pueblo de La Laguna, en el remoto México, hogar del pueblo Náhuatl, fue una vez un pueblo que nunca había oído el Evangelio de Jesucristo. Nadie en la comunidad de la montaña había escuchado el Nombre de Jesús. Nadie había escuchado que Dios los ama o cómo podrían tener una relación personal con el…