Happy Family                

enero 2, 2015 • Cambodia
Happy Family

A project in Cambodia teaches women how to stop domestic violence

Tin is a beneficiary of a Samaritan’s Purse project in Cambodia that supports healthy families.

Editor’s Note: The Strengthening Women and Families Together project works with women to build families that are healthy, among other things. The goal is to break to cycles of domestic violence, oppression, and gender discrimination that are prevalent in Cambodia. Staff members work with women, young girls, and in schools to train and provide opportunities for communities to be empowered. The volunteers teach families in their own homes, and staff members act as coaches and mentors. This structure results in a network of women working to encourage and protect their families and each other.

Happy Family

Tin’s family has changed because of the lessons taught by Samaritan’s Purse. They are now safe and happy.

My husband, Phany, and I used to fight constantly with each other. Not only did I use disrespectful words with him, but I also hit my children when I got angry.

Samaritan’s Purse taught me about healthy communication and healthy parenting. They also taught Phany to love, respect, and listen to me. We now understand our roles and responsibilities as a mother and a father toward our children. And we also understand our roles and responsibilities as a wife and a husband toward each other.

After receiving training, I shared what I learned from each lesson with my husband. We began carrying out these lessons in our lives. We began loving each other and stopped fighting. I stopped hitting my children. I also shared the lessons with my neighbors in hopes that it will change our community.

Samaritan’s Purse staff members shared about Jesus during the trainings in my village. Now I’m thinking about following Him. My family is happy now because we use healthy communication.

Proyectos en Cambodia Cambodia es una de las naciones más pobres del mundo, solo tiene unos pocos recursos para cuidar de su gente, quien en su mayoría viven en las áreas rurales. Les ayudamos a suplir las necesidades desesperantes de alimentos y sustento por medio de proyectos de animales y de agricultura, así como al proveerles acceso a agua potable, segura para beber. Los proyectos de educación infantil tienen como objetivo que los niños y las niñas se mantengan en la escuela, incrementando su calidad de vida. Nuestros programas de salud infantil y maternidad reduce los niveles de mortalidad de las mujeres y sus niños pequeños al mejorar los cuidados de obstetricia, enseñándoles prácticas esenciales de nutrición e incrementando el acceso a servicios de salud. También combatimos el tráfico humano por medio de la educación y entrenamientos. Solo el 2 por ciento de el país es cristiano y un aspecto crucial de nuestro trabajo es envolver a nuestras iglesias locales colaboradoras para ayudarles a difundir el Evangelio en sus villas.

Proyectos en Cambodia 013681

