People in the village told the young mother to toss her newborn daughter into the nearby river. They said both the child and family were cursed and would always be despised. But Dakeech believed her daughter, Nyani, to be a precious gift from God. She refused to end Nyani’s life because she was born with…
Restaurando la vista en Liberia
With one hand outstretched and the other gripping a walking stick, Morry stumbled forward as a nurse led him to the operating room. Before surgery, Morry offered the same prayer he’s repeated for the last seven years: “God, please make my eyes free again.” Morry was among the 181 patients who recently received surgery during…
Hope for Liberia’s Prisoners
William couldn’t remember a time, even before his arrest, when he had felt free. Now he languished in loneliness and guilt in an overcrowded Liberian prison. The crime, he said, was committed to protect his sister—at least that’s how he remembers it—but not even she would visit him. “My family has abandoned me,” he said,…
Ladrillo por ladrillo
“The people from our community are hungry for the Word of God,” Pastor Eusebio said, standing on the unfinished second floor of his church in El Alto, Bolivia. The city of almost a million people spreads out around him in all directions, full of people he hopes will come to know the saving love of…
Samaritan’s Purse responde a un brote de ébola en Uganda
Samaritan’s Purse is serving communities in Uganda, where more than 140 confirmed cases of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever have been reported since the outbreak was declared in September. In Kampala and surrounding areas, we are providing healthcare workers with Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) trainings to bolster the capacity nationwide to care for Ebola patients and…
La reconstrucción de las comunidades de Liberia a través de sus iglesias
For decades, residents of this Liberian village have anticipated Sunday morning ringing from the church up the hill. A young church member takes a metal rod and strikes a steel plate suspended between two wooden posts. It can be heard for more than a mile all around. But today’s ringing signals something new on the…
El agua lleva a una nueva vida en Liberia
Sylvester smiles at the overflowing bucket of clean drinking water that he just filled from the newest well in River Gee County, Liberia. Constructed at Nyantujah Elementary School, where his own children attend, the fresh water will change the lives of the students and the community. “I feel happy because the children at this school…
La agricultura urbana toca corazones en Liberia
Korpo leans into her work, pulling stubborn weeds while examining, and even doting on, the green beginnings of a bitterball crop—a variety of eggplant that grows and sells well in West Africa. For now the young growth looks a little like a miniature watermelon, but in several weeks Korpo will be celebrating dozens of the…
Mother’s Day Feature: A New Generation of Hope
It’s typically a long chain of tragic events that leads mothers and their malnourished babies to the pediatric ICU at ELWA Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia. When they arrive, that’s when Dr. Michael Bryant first sees them and hope begins to grow. Dr. Bryant examines the poorly cut umbilical cord on a patient named Favor, who…
Una tierra que fluye con esperanza y miel
A safe distance from her apiary, beekeeper Dorris Yengbeh places dried palm leaves into her smoker. She strikes a match and fans the bellows until smoke begins seeping thinly from the tin contraption. Now she dons her protective suit, a broad-brimmed hat with face, coverall, gloves, and rubber boots. “You have to be gentle with…