Evangeline and the Glitter Notebook
El trayecto de Franklin Graham: de perdido a esparcir esperanza
By Beth Brelje | Originally Published in The Epoch Times May 02, 2024. Updated: May 06, 2024. Used with permission. BOONE, N.C.—A bird is thumping into the window of Rev. Franklin Graham’s office at Samaritan’s Purse international headquarters in Boone, North Carolina. He says it happens every spring, and he doesn’t know why, but this…
¡Celebra lo que Dios está haciendo a través de 'La Gran Aventura'!
Shoebox Letter Prompts Girl in Mexico to Receive Christ
Jazmin had been longing for a doll of her own. When she received one at age 6 in an Operation Christmas Child shoebox, she thanked God for the gift. “It was very exciting,” Jazmin, now 17, recalled. “It wasn’t only a doll, it was a princess doll. I didn’t have anything like it. I thought…
Why I Pack Shoeboxes: One-Word Witnesses
On social media this fall, Operation Christmas Child asked shoebox packers to pick one word that describes why they send gifts to boys and girls in need around the world. We thought you’d be encouraged to see some of the responses from our volunteers and staff as you prayerfully prepare to fill your own boxes…
Las cajas de regalos traen gozo a los niños sordos en Namibia
The classroom was quiet as boys and girls opened their Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. There were no squeals of excitement or chattering, no shouting for friends to come and look at the fun gifts inside their shoebox. Yet, their smiles were so big and bright that verbal expressions weren’t needed to reveal the joy overflowing…
Franklin Graham visita a Ucrania devastada por la guerra con la caja de regalos número doscientos millones
For the first time in many years, Ukrainian Elizabeth Groff returned to her home country, joining Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham on Jan. 25 to celebrate and deliver the 200 millionth Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift to the war-torn country. The milestone event, marking 30 years since the Samaritan’s Purse project started in 1993, also…
Critical Training Helps Save the Lives of Babies in Myanmar
One afternoon Naw Mu, a local health worker, made her way to a remote village in southeast Myanmar to assist a mother giving birth. By the time Naw Mu arrived, the birth attendant had already helped deliver the baby—but he was not breathing. Although everyone thought the baby would die, Naw Mu was determined to…
Voluntarios trabajando duro en el devastado este de Kentucky
Curtis and Thelma Yonts had just settled in for the evening when the first rains came—a comparatively light shower that left within about an hour, as they recall. It was no cause for alarm. Then, after an evening of movies and family time, their two granddaughters went to bed in the bottom level of the…
Agua para las familias desplazadas en Sudán del Sur
Nya, 15, had heard stories that she could only think of as old tales, since they came from grandparents and the other wizened folk in their corner of Mayendit, South Sudan, where they used to live. They recounted the flooding that’d happened decades before. But now Nya was living her own flood story, displaced to…