3 days. 150,000 Children.









119,523 Children Sponsored


Children Sponsored

June 19-21, 2023

June's 3-Day Discipleship Challenge is over, but you can still give boys and girls the opportunity to go on The Greatest Journey! Thank you and may God bless you.

3-Day Discipleship Challenge

June 19-21, 2023

Over the next three days, we want to give as many boys and girls as possible the opportunity to go on The Greatest Journey! It just takes $6 a child.

This 12-lesson discipleship program builds on the Gospel presentation that children heard when they received their Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. Through classes taught by trained local leaders, boys and girls learn how to follow Jesus Christ and share the Good News with their friends and family. For just $6, you can help a child start their journey of faith—in addition to passionate teaching, they’ll get a colorful student workbook, Scripture memory cards, a graduation certificate, and a Bible or New Testament in their language.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to encourage children as they grow in love for God and their neighbors! Set up a one-time or monthly gift to Samaritan’s Purse before midnight, June 21.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations."

—Matthew 28:19

Through our national Operation Christmas Child teams and in cooperation with local church partners, we are helping to complete this commission across six continents and the Pacific Islands. Guiding children to walk in faith strengthens their growing relationship with Christ, which can transform their families, communities, and nations.

Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.

—Mark 10:14

Your support helps train and resource our Christian partners around the globe who want to see children know and follow Jesus Christ. These teachers share God's Word through The Greatest Journey and lives are changed forever. Since 2009, more than 1.7 million leaders have been trained and more than 35.4 million children have enrolled in The Greatest Journey. Over 17.4 million children have reported decisions for Christ while participating in the course, which is available in more than 85 languages. We thank God for this harvest!

Millions of children still need discipling. Will you partner with us to bless as many boys and girls as possible over the next 72 hours? Please give today.
