Samaritan's Purse goes to city slums, dense jungles, and other hard-to-reach areas where people may have never heard the life-saving message of Jesus Christ to deliver gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to boys and girls. For many of these children, this is their first gift ever! The toys and other fun items inside not only display God's great love to them and their families, but also open entire communities to the Gospel.

350 unreached people groups

1000 by 2028

Samaritan's Purse has delivered this Goods News and the great joy of shoebox gifts to 350 unreached people groups so far, with plans for a total of 1,000 by 2028. You can help us reach them!

Learn more about how shoebox gifts bless the ends of the earth.

Ways to Get Involved with Operation Christmas Child


Youth Leaders

Children graduating from the Greatest Journey.

“I believe that Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child has the most effective evangelism and discipleship strategy in the world today. They are literally teaching millions of children all over the planet how to follow Jesus! At SLU, we count it a privilege to partner with this historic vision.”

—Brent CroweVice President, Student Leadership University

Student Ministry Partners

Operation Christmas Child is pleased to partner with the following national student organizations:

  • Youth Pastor Summit
  • The LIFT Tour
  • Youth Pastor Summit