Your Operation Christmas Child Trip Portal

Get Ready for Guyana!

Welcome to the team! We praise God for you and your dedication to sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ with children throughout the world.

The information and resources on this page are designed to prepare you for your upcoming OCC distribution trip.

Helpful Resource Downloads

Vaccination Information
Meet Your Teammates
Meet Your

Please join us in praying for:
  • The children who will receive these shoebox gifts and that their hearts will be open to the Gospel
  • The parents and local community who may also witness the love of God through the gifts their children will receive
  • Safe travels for all team members
  • Unity among our team so we may glorify God in our actions and words
To help you raise support for your upcoming trip with Operation Christmas Child we included a few resources to get you started. By drafting a personal letter explaining your mission and sending it to your friends and family along with the donor form, you will be giving others the opportunity and blessing of being a part of this incredible project.
Sample Letter Word Doc
Sample Letter
Donor Form PDF
Donor Form
Donation FAQ Word Doc
Donation FAQ

