A Mother's Prayer

May 4, 2015 • Panama

When Luis's Operation Christmas Child shoebox contained the school supplies he so desperately needed, his mom knew God had heard their cry for help

mothers_day_in_article_buttonWhen Luis was 6 years old, he begged his mother, Elizabeth, to let him go to school.

“No, I can’t afford it,” she promptly replied.

She was a single mom, and didn’t have money to buy the school supplies he would need in order to attend. She told Luis, “If you want to go to school, you can pray.”

Unfamiliar with prayer, Luis asked his Mom to teach him how.

“You can talk to God like He’s right in front of you, but you have to respect Him because He is the Lord,” she said.

That day they knelt together to pray and Luis asked for the school supplies he needed.

The very next day, Luis received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox that contained pencils, pens, crayons, a notebook, and a pencil sharpener.

Through tears, his mother said, “Now I know that God is real and that He can answer prayers.”

Now years later, Elizabeth encourages people to pack shoeboxes for other children and their families.

“My message is to keep moving forward,” she said. “Keep praying because God is going to bless every child that receives a box.”

Giving useful gifts through Operation Christmas Child to children whose mothers can’t afford to give presents is just one of the many ways Samaritan’s Purse helps women around the world. This Mother’s Day, you can honor a special mom or mother figure in your life by making a difference in the life of a mother overseas.

