Check out this encouraging video from Operation Christmas Child team members in South America as they celebrate what God is doing there.
Operation Christmas Child leaders meeting in Brazil praise the Lord for the many lives in their region that are being transformed by the power of the Gospel! Your prayerfully packed shoeboxes enable them to share the love of God with children in need. Watch the video above to share in the South America team’s joy!
National Collection Week is almost here: Nov. 16-23. If you haven’t already packed a shoebox at home with your family, there still is time to do so. Find the drop-off location nearest you.
Please pray that children in South America and around the world will come to know how much God loves them. Pray also for boldness for Operation Christmas Child National Leadership Teams as they serve in Jesus’ Name in more than 100 countries.

Your shoebox gifts are distributed in communities throughout South America and around the world, where children so desperately need to hear the truth of the Gospel and experience God’s love in tangible ways.