The Gospel of Jesus Christ reaches some of the most remote regions of Mexico through Operation Christmas Child. Watch the video!
Las Tres Huastecas region, along the Gulf Coast in Mexico, is hard to reach and isolated from much of the country. Many residents still speak the native language, Nahuatl, and worship indigenous idols. The few churches that preach the Gospel here are met with disdain and uncertainty.
Earlier this year, however, at a small school in the heart of the Huasteca jungle, local church leaders and volunteers introduced the Gospel to a crowd of eager children through Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. Upon receiving a gift, the children heard about Jesus’ love and sacrifice for them. Many for the first time.

A young girl from the Las Tres Huastecas region in Mexico flips through The Greatest Gift booklet with a smile as she learns more about Jesus.
“I saw a lot of joy and happiness as the children were receiving a gift from the Lord, the gift of the love of God,” said Ramon Hernández, a local pastor. “We are determined to take the Good News to the hearts of the people so they may know Christ and be saved.” Watch the video at the top of his page to find out more.
As millions of gift-filled shoeboxes will soon be collected and sent off around the world, including to Mexico, pray for the church leaders and volunteers partnering with us on the ground. Pray also that the Gospel would dwell richly in the heart of each child who receives a shoebox gift.
Don’t forget to pack a shoebox! National Collection Week is Nov. 18-25 this year. Learn more at