Spreading Good News and Great Joy in Cambodia

December 11, 2019 • Cambodia

Franklin Graham recently delivered Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to children in need in Phnom Penh.

Franklin Graham joined local church leaders in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with boys and girls while delivering gift-filled shoeboxes to them at a recent Operation Christmas Child outreach event in Cambodia’s capital.

Eight-year-old Votey received a shoebox, making her one of more than 1 million children in Cambodia to receive such a gift since 2000. She said, “The box makes me feel loved by God.”

See more of how this gift blessed her and her family in the video at the top of this page.

Find an on-the-ground message from Franklin Graham below.

You can give another child a glimpse of God’s love by building a shoebox online today.

Also, you can check out more Operation Christmas Child videos here.

Note: Franklin Graham was in Cambodia for the Love Phnom Penh Festival, Dec. 7-8. Read more about the festival on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associate web site.

Operation Christmas Child Through Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan’s Purse is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with millions of boys and girls in more than 100 countries each year. Many of these children have never before received a present or heard the true meaning of Christmas—until they open a gift-filled shoebox from a person like you. Some people are not able to give the $10 per shoebox we request for shipping and related costs. By adopting a shoebox, you can partner with them to deliver the Gospel and help "bring salvation to the ends of the earth" (Acts 13:47, ESV).

Operation Christmas Child 013477
Adopt a Shoebox: $10 | Adopt a Carton of 15 Boxes: $150

