Every year, churches pack shoebox gifts full of toys and other fun items and send them to the ends of the earth through Samaritan's Purse.

Then local churches in other parts of the globe distribute these Operation Christmas Child gifts to children in need as an expression of God's love. This church-to-church partnership facilitates new evangelism opportunities that are followed up with our 12-lesson discipleship course, The Greatest Journey. As children learn to follow Christ and share Him with others, their friends and family come to faith as well and tell still others. We praise God for the multiplication of believers and churches around the world that springs from simple shoebox gifts!

232 million shoebox gifts delivered

50 millionchildren discipled

134,000 outreach events held annually

Get Your Church Involved!

Why Is Operation Christmas Child Important to Pastors?

  • “We have been doing Operation Christmas Child for 29 years and I wish we could do it another 29 years because it is the best children's evangelism project that I know of on the planet.

    Pastor Skip HeitzigCalvary Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • "For overseas churches, Operation Christmas Child is a proven outreach tool to strengthen existing works and plant new churches. For our church, it provides a viable option to engage more of our members and our guests in the actual ministry of sharing Christ, serving the local church, and helping fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth"

    Pastor Jack GrahamPrestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, Texas
  • "Working with Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child is an incredible way to engage your entire church in a conversation about the global mission of God. We are so grateful to see people in our congregation—from preschoolers through senior adults—filling shoeboxes, praying for the nations, working in processing centers, and celebrating the awesome work of Operation Christmas Child every single year. Best of all, Samaritan's Purse provides every resource you need to be successful. We thank God that we can count them as key strategic mission partners of our church!"

    Pastor David WigginsFirst Baptist Concord, Knoxville, Tennessee
  • “Our NorthStar Church Network is comprised of over 160 churches and has partnered with Operation Christmas Child for over a decade and we continue to be encouraged and blessed by their great work. Our churches pack boxes individually, and we have even done events collectively. Every year pastors share stories of the way people in their churches are energized and appreciative of the opportunity to take part in such a great ministry.

    Executive Director Bryan JonesNorthStar Church Network, Manassas, Virginia
  • "What a wonderful opportunity that we have each year to participate with Samaritan's Purse. Fill these shoeboxes both with toys and gifts and also with love and prayers and send them around the world.

    Teaching Pastor Max LucadoOak Hills Church, San Antonio, Texas
  • "Our partnership with Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child is one of the most effective ways we evangelize and reach the world with the Gospel. Additionally, it provides an easy opportunity for the community to engage with the local church, becoming an onramp for discipleship and multiplication.”

    Pastor Tony DavisCalvary Chapel, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
  • "Operation Christmas Child has allowed families from our congregation to participate in the proclamation of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. It's a very effective way for children around the world to hear the gospel and experience the love of God through the local church.”

    Pastor Gilberto CorrederaPrestonwood en Español, Plano, Texas

Learn More

Discover how churches and pastors are working in the U.S. and overseas to deliver shoebox gifts—and the Gospel—to children in need.

  • The Philippines

    Faith on the Mountaintop

    An isolated village in the Philippines is changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ after hearing the message through Operation Christmas Child and The Greatest Journey.

  • Suriname

    Doors Opening for the Gospel Among the Saramaccans

    Operation Christmas Child volunteer leaders in Suriname are eager to bring Good News to more children among this unreached people group.

  • Ohio

    Ohio Farmers Influence their Community and the World by Packing Shoeboxes

    A farming couple in Wadsworth helped pack 5,000 gift-filled shoeboxes this year, while representing Christ both at home and abroad.

  • Texas

    God is Using a Small Texas Church to Bless Many Thousands of Children

    A church of just over 50 members continues to pack more Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts every year.

Key Ministry Partners

Operation Christmas Child is pleased to partner with the following organizations:
